This is my story...

I share it in hopes that it gives you inspiration to walk in your purpose.


My mission is to INSPIRE, MOTIVATE, and EMPOWER women...

From a very young age, I experienced having deep fears that at times would overtake my mind. At times I felt like I was losing my mind, and often felt like I was just surviving day to day.

Although my parents were amazing and showed me love and took great care of me, I felt like there was a constant dark cloud over me. No matter who I was with or what I was doing, I felt alone, misunderstood and unworthy of love.

As the youngest of four siblings, I witnessed drug and alcohol abuse and domestic violence. Even though I wasn't personally experiencing the pain and suffering, I absorbed it all through my eyes. 

The energy from it all got stuck in my body and turned into many different ailments. Including being diagnosed with fibromyalgia at the age of 20, just after having my first son.

There were many times in my life that the emotional and physical pain that I felt was so great, that I didn't want to live anymore.

That is until I discovered what the true love of God was! Once I accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior, the dark cloud that had hovered over me for most of my life, was gone!

I began to read more self developments, listen to podcasts, exercise and recite daily affirmations. These are just some of the tools that drasticly changed my life, and brought me to where I am today.

As you can see, I understand how hard life can feel at times, because I have been there. I'm here to support and guide you through it all.

From my heart to yours, I invite you to journey with me toward a life filled with more peace, an abundance of time, the creation of beautiful memories, and the attraction of more money.

I look forward to knowing you and walking along side you in your journey of life.

With Warmth and Understanding, 


Rebeka Fillmore

Life Strategist & Productivity Coach